I have some large variegated Xanthosomas that look like sagittifolium to
me. Photo posted in IAS ID center.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Julius Boos"
Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2005 4:10 PM
Subject: RE: [Aroid-l] variegated Xanthosoma and Philodendron bipinnatifidum
From : Eric Schmidt
Reply-To : Discussion of aroids
Sent : Tuesday, July 12, 2005 5:50 PM
To : aroid-l@gizmoworks.com
Subject : [Aroid-l] variegated Xanthosoma and Philodendron bipinnatifidum
Dear Eric and Friends,
I do believe that what you are seeing and ID`ing as varigated Xanthosoma are
mainly a varigated form of Alocasia macrorrizos, not Xanthosoma. The common
plant sold as Xanthosoma 'albo marginata' I believe is actually an
unidentifed species of true Xanthosoma, at least according to Dr. Goncalves,
who is perhaps one of the leading expert on this group. It was named as X.
atrovirens by Deni Bown in her book, which I believe is also an error.
The species of Xanthosoma w/ the 'frills' under the leaf blade is
also an as-yet unnamed species without a 'good' scientific name. It too
has been in cultivation for a LONG time, I have it in a book from Brit.
Guiana from 1927.
I have not seen a varigated P. bipinnatifidum (P. 'selloum') as yet, nor a
var. P. evensii or P. xanadu.
Good luck, and keep us informed!
Good Growing,
Has anyone ever come across variegated Xanthosoma
sagittifolium or Philodendron bipinnatifidum? Both are
common here in Florida. Xanthosoma sagittigolium
'Albomarginatum Monstrosum' can be found but I am
interested in a variegated form of the huge leaf
specimens (which might be X. robustum) that are
growing in many yards.
Also, what about variegated P. x evansii or P. x'anadu?
Eric Schmidt
Botanic Records
Harry P. Leu Gardens
1920 N. Forest Ave.
Orlando, FL. 32803 USA
USDA Zone 9b
ph. # (407)-246-3749
fax # (407)-246-2849
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