Kingsport, TN
Zone 6a
----- Original Message -----
To: "Discussion of aroids"
Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2005 7:16 AM
Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] Sauromatums, hardy and giant
> Steve:
> Great question about the giant form of Sauromatum. We coined the term
> after measuring plants that we had ordered from an Indian Nursery several
> years ago. There were differences in the size of the leaf, the edge of
> leaf, the size of the flower, the type of stem pattern, etc. We thought
> that these would come true from seed, but after 3 years, we find this is
> not the case and have stopped selling them for now. You can see still see
> photos on our website. It is possible that they are cross pollinating with
> the normal types in our garden. It is my assumption that they come from
> some part of India, but I have been to this region to study the plants in
> the wild. In our garden, the giant ones are astonishing. I guess I will
> have to resort to tissue culture. I hope someone who has studied these in
> the wild will comment further.
> Tony Avent
> Plant Delights Nursery @
> Juniper Level Botanic Garden
> 9241 Sauls Road
> Raleigh, NC 27603 USA
> Minimum Winter Temps 0-5 F
> Maximum Summer Temps 95-105F
> USDA Hardiness Zone 7b
> email
> website
> phone 919 772-4794
> fax 919 772-4752
> "I consider every plant hardy until I have killed it least
> three times" - Avent
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