From: Steve Marak samarak at> on 2005.07.06 at 06:43:34(13134)
I've grown the usual Typhonium/Sauromatum venosum outdoors here in NW Arkansas
for 15+ years now with no special care or winter protection (and little or no
supplmental water in summer for that matter) and agree with Deni - tough as old
boots. We usually see +38 C days in summer, often with no rain for weeks and,
very rarely, -28 C as an overnight winter low with no snow cover but lots of
winter rain. I have inflorescences and seed set every year.
I've got a couple of questions about the giant form, though, which I only
acquired a year ago from a friend in a somewhat milder climate - has anyone
tested its hardiness? Is it as tough as the "common" variety?
Also, does anyone know the background on the giant form? Are we talking one
clone, or are there several large clones in cultivation? Is it/are they from a
distinct area? Is it/are they just genetically large diploids, or is there some
polyploidy going on? Has anyone had seed set on the/a giant form, and if
so was it viable? (Yes, I know with that level of offset production no one
needs to grow sauromatum from seed, but surely someone has tried just from
academic curiosity...)
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