From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at> on 2005.07.02 at 11:02:26(13095)
Reply-To : Discussion of aroids
Sent : Friday, July 1, 2005 9:21 PM
To : Discussion of aroids
Subject : Re: [Aroid-l] Philodendron stenolobum
Dear Friends,
Eduardo has informed us of exactly what the case is w/ these two very
different and 'good' species (see his letter of 30th, 8.18 pm, addressed to
'Tom" (Dr. Croat), but allow me one more explanation on what might have and
may still be causing some confusion.
[By the way, the leaf ratios asked for on these two species are---"Anterior
division (ratio length/width)
P. williamsii--1 - 1.5.
P. stenolobum 2.1 - 3.3.
(these are copied from Dr. Gonclaves' paper)
Other critical differences that separate these two species documented by Dr.
Goncalves in his paper are--The gynoceum (immature fruit) in P. stenolobum
is flask-shaped, while that of P. williamsii is barrel shaped. The ovary
of P. stenolobum has 11-12 locules (chambers) while that of P. williamsii
has only 7-8.]
Before Dr. Goncalves published his paper, when word got out that the plant
that we all had been refering to as P. williamsii was going to be described
as a new/good species, several collectors/growers then assumed that only the
plants with the ruffled leaf edges were this new species ( P. stenolobum),
and the plants with the not-so-long anterior lobes and flat leaf blades must
still be P. williamsii--- we were wrong! The TRUE P. williamsii is a
completely different species, seemingly not in cultivation, rare in
herbarium collections, and very different looking to either one of the vars.
of the now-new P. stenolobum, and grows FAR away from all the different
populations of the new P. stenolobum. (see Eduardo`s recent letter on
So--the plants that have a very long leaf, both the ruffled and the
unruffled, ALL are TRUE P. stenolobum. Man ALWAYS gravitates to collecting
from wild populations what he views as the most attractive or even odd
members of a broard variety of either plants or animals, it happens all the
time with collectors, but true scientists collect 'down the middle', a
representitive sample that illustrates the extremes of a species. This
obviously pertains to the plants under discussion, all seen are P.
| +More |
WPB, Florida
Could you give numbers for the ratios? I'm curious,
and glad this conversation came up.<<
--- Russ wrote:
The leaves on my 'stenolobum' are nowhere near as
ruffled as the one in last year's Aroid show, or the
2 pictures I found
of P. 'williamsii' in my Exotica. But they seem to
be the same in narrow lobe width and proportions. So, these are obviously
both stenolobum with a
variation in the leaf edge. BUT, these are not the
two opposing plants I have in mind as questionable. The 'old williamsii'
that I'm referencing has much
shorter, and wider lobes, and leaves are not as
thick or stiff. They truly do not look like the
same species. Russ>
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