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  Re: [Aroid-l] Arum dioscoridis var. cyprium
From: "C. J. Addington" cjaddington at earthlink.net> on 2005.05.11 at 01:53:58(12926)
Title: Re: [Aroid-l] Arum dioscoridis var. cyprium

Hi Peter and all!
Just my two cents worth about growing Arum in pots . . . I have quite a few of them, and they are doing quite well, but I find that they pretty much hate sitting in water-logged and heavy soils in pots where the water can’t really get out. They do appreciate mineral-rich soils, but with better drainage. I have been experimenting with planting them quite deep in wood-based compost mixed with abundant coarse sand and a heavy dose of barn lime (ground limestone), and they seem to really benefit from it. I get loads of big, robust and stinky blooms and bunches of babies.
Here in the Central Valley of California, the ground is virtually pure clay, and corms planted outside in it do fine, but I believe that the water percolates and flows freely through the soil, and although it may be very wet to the touch, it is not stagnant or oxygen-deprived, as it might be in a small pot. As Nancy already mentioned, odd colors on the soil surface may indicate anaerobic conditions and stale, rotted soil – not a good home for Arums!
Anyway, stick with it and keep trying. Arums are one of my favorite plant groups, and really deserve to be more widely planted and appreciated. If you think that wet soil will always be a problem, consider trying Arum hygrophilum. It’s a cute, elegant and mercifully odorless thing that can take much wetter soil than most Arum species. I can send you offsets if you want to try it.

C.J. Addington

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