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  Re: [Aroid-l] Arum lily (reed) frog
From: "Steve Ritchey" sritchey at shreve.net> on 2005.04.04 at 23:49:54(12830)
It turned too cool for the wasps to be out on the callas this weekend, but
had plenty of small flies. The instant one lands on the spathe, the frogs'
eyes open and zap!- lunch. Then they close their eyes and become virtually
invisible again. They either can't detect the flies landing on the spadix
behind them or just ignore them til another one lands directly in front of
them on the spathe.

I have some aethiopica 'Kiwi Blush' getting ready to flower. It will be
interesting to see if they can match this spathe color, or just stay green
parked on the leaves.


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