IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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  Re: [Aroid-l] OT Strelitzia
From: "Rob Nicholson" RNICHOLS at email.smith.edu> on 2005.02.08 at 20:25:43(12657)
Dear Dr. Waddick,
I raised this taxa from seed started in 1998 (Smith number 40-98, Sseed
from Silverhill Seed , Capetown, S. Africa (on the web) and was received
as S. juncea. It had fully bladed leaves at first and each subsequent
flush of leaves had smaller blades and our plant now has three foot long
leaves which are topped by a minute 1" wide by 4" long oval blade. We
can photograph and send as file if need be.
Regards, Rob nicholson
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