----- Original Message -----
To: "Discussion of aroids"
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2005 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] Tubers bought in a market.
It tasted quite nice in the end, a very nutty, potato flavour!
Heres a link to a scan of the other one (a digital camera would be so
handy - hmph) so its no the best to see from.
The white line is 10cm to scale.
Anyway, its gone a bit mouldy on the outside at the bottom today, so it
probably wont last the winter. It shall be kept well away from my other
plants as well!
Right, im off to dust its bottom.
On 17 Jan 2005, at 04:17, Steve Ritchey wrote:
Well, you're in the U.K. and I'm in Texas, but here, this would most
likely be Xanthosoma violaceum- Supermarket chains send in crates of
these and
Colocasias around Easter even though the local produce people have no
idea what they are or what to do with them- I don't think anyone here
ever eats them, but gardeners buy them for foundation plants and treat
them like a summer "bulb"- They store better than potatoes in our
climate, but I can't eat them without a heavy dose of slow-cooked garlic,
olive oil, salt, and Java pepper :-) Bon apetit!!
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