----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2005 5:01 AM
Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] Tubers bought in a market.
Dear Steve,
As far as I could see personally or on the web, only a few
collectors in USA have real X. sagittifolium. Most material I could see
from groceries are X. robustum, but I could also see X. mafaffa and a pure
green form of X. atrovirens.
Very best wishes,
Dr. Eduardo G. Goncalves
Universidade Catolica de Brasilia
Curso de Ciencias Biologicas
Sala M-206, QS 7, Lote 1, EPTC
CEP 72030-170, Taguatinga - DF, BRAZIL.
Reply-To: Discussion of aroids
To: "Discussion of aroids"
Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] Tubers bought in a market.
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2005 21:07:33 -0600
RE: [Aroid-l] Tubers bought in a market.Hi Tom-
Not sure what you mean- many of them sold in groceries here are certainly
sagittifolium or robustum, but I don't know how to tell for sure which is
which (Enlighten me, please!) On the topic of the original post I i.d.
violaceum on the clusters and shapes of the tubers as well as the
brown/purple color of the dormant buds and skins on the tubers-Some clones
are obviously more beautiful than others - Anyway , they're one of God's
few creations that like August in Texas as long as you keep them wet:-)
----- Original Message -----
From: Thomas.Croat@mobot.org
To: aroid-l@gizmoworks.com
Cc: eduardog@ucb.br
Sent: Monday, January 17, 2005 1:23 PM
Subject: RE: [Aroid-l] Tubers bought in a market.
Steve: Are you sure that they are X. sagittifolium? According to
Eduardo Gon?alves the species that they cultivate in Florida is X.
robustum Schott.
-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Ritchey [mailto:sritchey@shreve.net]
Sent: Sunday, January 16, 2005 10:18 PM
To: Discussion of aroids
Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] Tubers bought in a market.
Well, you're in the U.K. and I'm in Texas, but here, this would most
be Xanthosoma violaceum- Supermarket chains send in crates of these and
Colocasias around Easter even though the local produce people have no
what they are or what to do with them- I don't think anyone here ever
them, but gardeners buy them for foundation plants and treat them like
summer "bulb"- They store better than potatoes in our climate, but I
eat them without a heavy dose of slow-cooked garlic, olive oil, salt,
Java pepper :-) Bon apetit!!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Neil Gordon"
To: "Discussion of aroids"
Sent: Sunday, January 16, 2005 1:21 PM
Subject: [Aroid-l] Tubers bought in a market.
> Ok, Ive 'gone in'.
> The inside of this tuber is a white flesh, with a purple marble type
> pattern throughout it. The skin (which is brown, has an almost
> colour right next to the flesh when scraped away.
> Its very slimy! About as slimy as Okra inside! (Which are also going
> the curry!).
> Ive had a search throughout google, and 'Kand' as it was labled in
> market, seems to be a fairly non specific name for types of Yam and
> Yam-like tubers.
> Could this be 'Purple Yam' - which ive seen on one or two recipes
that use
> 'Kand', in which case its a Dioscorea, not an Amorph. :-(
> Neil
> (Indigestion update to follow!)
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