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  Re: [Aroid-l] Peltandra sagittifolia (?)
From: Sue Thompson sthomp at andrew.cmu.edu> on 2005.01.05 at 20:21:35(12551)
Peltandra sagittifolia is indeed a very distinct species and, in my
opinion, is one of the prettiest aroids, especially for North American
species! Although superficially similar to Peltandra virginia, it differs
in vegetative, floral, and fruit characters as well as habitat. It grows
in acidic bogs along the coastal plain of the U.S. and is listed as a
"species of conservation concern" in several states. The spathe is white
and the berries mature to a bright red. I recall a nursery in South
Carolina, that specializes in native species, having it for sale several
years ago, but I can't remember the nursery's name. I think it was in
Aiken, SC.

Sue Thompson

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