>> from whence they came.
>> I find it takes about 18 months for Nth. hemisphere bulbs to change
>> their rythmn to our seasons.
>> Give them plenty of light, don't overwater and show them lots of
>> Kylie Minogue and Nicole Kidman videos. You could also sing 'Waltzing
>> Matilda' or say 'Gidday Mate' whenever you pass.....that might fool
>> them.
I have just transferred one of my Dracunculus (from Rob's stock) from a
large container to a housepot. It had just started growing about two weeks
ago and it now looks as though it is serious about it. When the nights
start to get chilly, I will bring it indoors and let it do what it wants to
do until it goes down. Then I will give it a cold treatment and try it
again in the spring.
The other tubers I will let go dormant again and store normally (Unless
anyone thinks that they need special storage. I kept these things dry in a
paper bag at room temperature for months without any apparent harm; they
all developed growing points in summer). We'll see what happens next year.
The Heliocodicerous from the same shipment came right up in one of the
worst cold and wet springs we have had for years and they are still going
strong, all having developed mature leaves. No blooms on either the
Dracuncs. or Helis.
If _I_ sang "Waltzing Matilda," or anything else for that matter, to any
plant; that plant would die a horrible death.
Kind Regards,
Rand Nicholson
New Brunswick
Maritime Canada, Z 5b