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  [Aroid-l] Amorphophallus tuber planting depth
From: Bryan Lampl blampl1 at earthlink.net> on 2005.01.01 at 16:20:21(12522)
When I visited Dewey Fisk during the aroid show in Sept., he stressed that I
should plant the Amorphophallus tubers deep. In conversion with Rick Peters
about the Amorphophallus sp. mahajanga, we both noted that they appear to be
top heavy and are falling over. The idea was suggested that maybe they were
not planted deep enough. Though there are many environmental factors and
different conditions where Amorphophallus are found, I would like to get
some imput from those who have been able to experience the plants in the
wild. What kind of depths have the tubers been found in the specific
regions that they exist?

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