From: eduardo gomes goncalves <eggon at> on 1997.09.16 at 03:33:03(1252)
Rob said:
> Sounds like your Dracuncs. are pining for the great southern land
> from whence they came.
> I find it takes about 18 months for Nth. hemisphere bulbs to change
> their rythmn to our seasons.
Well, mine are growing in the same Southern hemisphere than was in your
land and they are still feeling the blues. I think they didn't enjoy the
| +More |
> Give them plenty of light, don't overwater and show them lots of
> Kylie Minogue and Nicole Kidman videos. You could also sing 'Waltzing
> Matilda' or say 'Gidday Mate' whenever you pass.....that might fool
> them.
I think my tubers are still teenagers... Should I put a headphone around
each pot and play Midnight Oil and INXS all over the time? Would it work? :-)
Now I'm serious. I have seen something about this species (Dracunculus
vulgaris) but I couldn't find any good data about its ecology. Next
growing season I'll try my favourite mix (limestone grit/Dicksonia
fiber/grinded bark, 1:1:1) and will also put it in a sunny spot, instead
of the previously failed half shade. When I asked Rob a few tubers
of it, my main purpose was to get some leaves to use in an anatomical
survey. I already did it, but now I would love to cultivate this amazing
plant. Is there any out there that knows something about the ecology of
such species? Just like me, there are lots of desperate Dracunculus
lovers crying all over the word... and waiting for your help!!
Best wishes,