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  Re: [Aroid-l] Cold-hardiest Climbing Aroids?
From: "William H Anderson" <exotaqua at bellsouth.net> on 2004.12.18 at 23:11:56(12472)
I am growing Syngonium podophyllum on live oak trees since the summer of
2000. The first winter, before they were climbing, 17F (in the open) burned
a few leaves on the ground hugging stems. Since then the plants have climbed
at least 12 feet up the live oak and have never been seriously damaged by
temperatures typically in the low 20s (we are zone 9a near Brunswick, GA).
According to the University of South Florida's web page (ISB Atlas of
Vascular Plants) this species has naturalized as far North are Gainesville,
FL. Interestingly the attractive variegated juvenile foliage reverts to
solid green as the leaves assume the adult multilobed shape.

Monstera friedrichsthalii usually looses its leaves during the winter but
new leaves rapidly grow as soon as the weather begins to warm. It too has
grown about 12 feet up a neighboring live oak. I consider this species to be
an experiment in progress, as it outgrew its indoor location.

These plants have a NE exposure and are close to our "L" shaped two story

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