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  RE: [Aroid-l] amorphophallus pollen collection & storage
From: "michael mahan" <agavestar at covad.net> on 2004.12.13 at 07:44:06(12466)
Yes u can help!! how far along is
your flower?mine is unfurling right now! I have no idea how long it will take
!! & when the flower will receptive to pollen plz email me at my address
agavestar@covad.com .plz send the pollen asap as when u see it & I’ll
do the same I will send express mail next day if I have to !! plz do the same I’M
good for the cost .my flower is just now showing the spadix & the spathe is
not fully open ..the spadix is dusty lite purple color right now ..I can only
see about 2 inches of it ,will send pix as soon as I get your email address THANX

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