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Re: [Aroid-l] Pictures on Aroid-L (was "smallest Aroid")
From: "Leo A. Martin" <leo1010 at attglobal.net> on 2004.11.28 at 00:39:44(12436)
Please, I vote no on attachments.
Those who wish to display images may already post them online. Go ahead
and do so. If you don't want to bother learning how to do so, or if it's
too much time and trouble to do so, imagine how we with slow dial-up
connections feel when people send us large attachments that take 5-10
minutes to download.
And then somebody hits the Forward button to reply,
"Ooh, that was a pretty picture"
and they have their E-mail program set to automatically forward
attachments. So we have to suffer through receiving the image again.
So, please no attachments on the list.
| +More |
Leo A. Martin
Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Steve Marak wrote:
Historically, there are several reasons we've never wanted to allow
attachments such as pictures; that policy can change, depending on the
desires of you the list members, since Aroid-L exists for aroiders. The 2
1) They require lots more bits than text. Most of the people in the world
don't even have high-speed dialup Internet, much less broadband, and
there are still people who have to pay based on the number of bits they
2) The many forms of "objectionable content", including but not limited to
viruses and worms, ads for all sorts of things, and images than range
from completely innocent to "would make a porn star blush".
Aroid-l mailing list
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