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Re: [Aroid-l] smallest Aroid
From: "Donna McGraw" <donnamcg at swbell.net> on 2004.11.25 at 20:13:18(12416)
I'm along time lurker of the previous group and
happy to see all the activity on the new list. While we're on the subject
of the small aroids - I have a tiny plant (1 to 3 " high) that I bought at the
LAIFS show a few years as an unknown aroid. I'm not very knowledgeable
about Aroids but am trying to learn.
Would some of you "experts" look at the pictures
I've uploaded and see if you can tell me what it is, please? The lady I
bought it from grew it in a terrarrium and since I already have at leaset 2
hundred terrarriums, I've done the same. As you can see from the 1st
picture it's a clumping variety - it started out as just a couple of little
plants and I've divided it several times. I took it out of the bowl to
take the pictures and layed out several representative plants and leaves. The
stems almost always have a lot of red to them and the new growth is bronzy
which sometimes lingers. It's an attractive little thing and I hope to use
it as an understory plant in a bonsai forest I'm growing. I took a
couple of plants out three or four months ago and am growing them in the regular
atmosphere of my house - they are doing fine but are not multiplying like they
do in the "bubble bowl".
Donna McGraw
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