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  [Aroid-l] Mini rant
From: Ken Mosher <ken at spatulacity.com> on 2004.11.02 at 04:32:09(12331)
Like many of us, I check eBay from time to time just to see who's offering
what. I officially propose that the next person that lists any species of
Amorphophallus accompanied by the words "rare bizarre" be officially
prohibited from touching another tuberous aroid or showing his/her face
amongst civilized society ever again.

First, they're not that bizarre. American politics are bizarre, Amorphs
haven't been bizarre for a while now. Maybe vaguely unusual is OK.

Konjac, paeoniifolius and bulbifer no longer count as rare, ever, for any
reason. OK, if you have one that spontaneously combusts and then bursts
forth anew from it's own ashes (ssp. phoenixiodes) then one of those is
rare. The way titanums are popping up these days I practically expect to
find one growing in the cracks in my walkway. Call them uncommon, but not
rare any more.

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