From: "MJ Hatfield" <mjhatfield at> on 2004.10.03 at 21:38:43(12242)
sent these questions to several of you individually who offered help before I
saw the request to post them on list.
two of you asked that the answers to my greenhouse questions be posted to the
list, perhaps we should.
hope the other folks on this list aren’t bored with this.
are some of my first, VERY BASIC, questions.
1. What temperature
range would be “ideal” for a majority of Aroids, 65-85F?
2. Should I have a
different temperature range for night?
3. Keep the air
moving of course.
4. Humidity
can’t be too high can it?
5. Direct sun? I am
nestled in amongst trees on the east side and the north side and when the sun
sinks lower in the sky I will have some south shade as well and in the far west
I have more trees. (This was the ONLY spot level enough without trees to even
put a greenhouse and it’s in my front yard.) I think that I can put many plants
under the tables holding other plants so that they will get more shade. I hate
to think of immediately covering the inside of the greenhouse with shade cloth
but I don’t want to scorch them either.
6. I grow mostly
Amorphophallus and in the past have put the dormant tubers either in the
basement (55F) or other places in the house (65-70F) Can they stay in the heat
of the greenhouse when dormant? I would assume yes they can.
7. I also have some
Dracontiums, Pseudodracontiums, Anthuriums, Philodendrons, ferns, Brugmansias,
common ordinary house plants, cacti, and such.
I do realize a lot
of this will be trial and error for specific my site and weather and it would
have been nice to have the greenhouse up earlier than this so I could
experiment a bit. But when the plants come in they will all have to come in due
to outside dropping temperatures.
8. Do you have a
favorite greenhouse book to recommend?
Thanks to you.
MJ Hatfield