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  [Aroid-l] Kauai
From: Rosalind Gold <rozgold at pacbell.net> on 2004.09.30 at 22:04:58(12231)

First, just to let you know I'm extremely jealous - I've been to Kauai twice, but would love to go back many times.

You should look into the three different sites of the National Tropical Botanical Garden in Kauai. One is a garden with a fair amount of landscaping and some formal elements - the Allerton Garden - I really enjoyed my visit there.

There is also the McBryde Garden, which I understand is more of a research facility, and the Limahuli Garden, which is a large preserve. When I visited Kauai several years ago, I had trouble getting information about how to actually tour McBryde and Limahuli, but the NTBG's website seems to suggest that you now make reservation online:


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