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RE: [Aroid-l] Re: Frances in Florida
From: "Bryant, Susan L." <SLBryant at scj.com> on 2004.09.10 at 17:26:59(12180)
Dear Julius,
So glad to hear you are OK! Heard Scott Hyndman is OK
too. Lynn must not be doing too bad, I just got her reservation for the
Aroid Dinner!
(A lesson to some of you out there, ahem, and I don't mean
you Ju-bo)
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Dear Friends,
We lost the roof shingles (I now need a new roof), a garage door, damaged
front door, carpet (from water), and a couple lovely citrus trees, but we are
safe, thank goodness. It was tough being without power (no A/C is
hell in summer) for several days. Thanks for all your goodwishes and
prayers. Just heard that Lynn Hannon is without power, they
THINK that they might be able to get her up by Sun. No house
damage, but is watering her aroid collection w/ buckets. Wish
her well. This Francis was a BIG one!
Good Growing,
Aroid-l mailing list
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