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Re: [Aroid-l] Re: Frances in Florida
From: Aroideae at aol.com on 2004.09.04 at 16:50:40(12160)
thank you so much for the kind words and good wishes!! i just had a call from julius boos in west palm beach and he's now without power and is losing shingles. the eye of the storm won't come ashore until tonight. it could be far worse had it maintained its original strength.
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Floridans,All the best from here in Australia too. Seen reports and pics of Frances on our news (nasty looking beasty) and heard that this is the first time it appears that 2 category 4 hurricanes will hit in the same year...... here's hoping you might get a last minute reprieve!!Just letting you know that we down here are thinking of you as well!!Cheers.Paul TyermanCanberra, Australia
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