Hi Dan -
I was surprised to hear your recommendation and experience with this
species. My own plant is fully dormant at this point and I am wondering if
I will start seeing it soon as other summer dormant aroids start to
emerge. In my experience, D. canariensis is a winter grower, emerging in
fall and producing a handsome crop of leaves and the flowering in spring
just before going dormant again. The foliage can sulk a bit if the winter
is a cold one. D. vulgaris grows in precisely the same manner for me. I
find the foliage of the former to be very handsome - a lighter green and
with narrower leaflets and no variegation (though the pale midrib is quite
apparent). The flower is not as spectacular as D. vulgaris - far less full
and not frilled or wavy, kind of like a simple, unadorned, Calla
Lily. I've heard that it smells like melons, but I've never detected a
noticeable scent.
Being that this species is from the Canaries, could it be that it could be
easily grown in other cycles (as Dan's experience suggests)?
Seán O.
h o r t u l u s a p t u s - 'a garden suited to its purpose'
Seán A. O'Hara sean@support.net www.hortulusaptus.com
1034A Virginia Street, Berkeley, California 94710-1853, U.S.A.
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