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Re: [Aroid-l] Lasia spinosa seed germination
From: "Alistair Hay" <ajmhay at hotmail.com> on 2004.08.31 at 06:19:18(12130)
I would defer to the expert, Julius, on anything to do with cultivating
members of the Lasieae, but on the matter of the habit of L. spinosa, I can
say that it is very variable: from tightly clumping erect-stemmed forms
through decumbent to stoloniferous ones.
Like the degree of dissection of the leaf blade, it can be partly accounted
for by environment, but only partly: plants with different habit can still
be differentiated when they are grown under identical conditions.
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----- Original Message -----
To: "Discussion of aroids"
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2004 11:36 AM
Subject: [Aroid-l] Lasia spinosa seed germination
> Hi All,
> Does anyone have any suggestions for germinating Lasia spinosa seeds?
> Also, my Lasia's growth habit is unlike those I have seen at botanical
> gardens. All of the others I have seen grow in a very erect upright
> manner, while mine sends out reclining stem out of the pot that then
> travel along ground level, rooting as it grows away from the pot, yet
> still making nice big leaves. It is not in full sun, which is what I
> assume is the difference between mine and the ones I have seen in full
> to nearly full sun at botanical gardens. Any comments?
> Thanks!
> Adam
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