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RE: [Aroid-l] Great Pistia!
From: "ron" <ronlene at bellsouth.net> on 2004.08.30 at 15:13:03(12118)
A plant in the wrong place is not invasive unless it starts to replace the
native plants in these places. It is just called a "weed". We have plenty
of those, unfortunately. A good example is Oxalis. In its present form, it
would have great difficulty replacing its neighbors, but it is indeed
usually a pest. Before I get to many complaints, there are some species of
Oxalis that make beautiful potted plants. As for Humans, some think they
can be invasive also. Ron
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-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of HUDSONSBIRDS@webtv.net
Sent: Monday, August 30, 2004 10:26 AM
To: Discussion of aroids
Subject: RE: [Aroid-l] Great Pistia!
RON points well taken! Its just that if "WE" don't want the plant --its
a threat- invasive-in the "wrong place."On the other hand IF man wants a
new plant in his domain (such as RICE from China) then it is no threat
nor is it invasive. Perhaps you will agree US HUMANS are realitively new
on this earthly scene.--I HATE kudzu as much as you do!!
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