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RE: [Aroid-l] Arum italicum ID
From: "danny wilson" <mudwasp_ at hotmail.com> on 2004.08.30 at 06:15:06(12109)
sounds like they are all A. italicum. i have a somewhat large clump in my backyard with all of the variants you dscribed, adn then some!
>From: "plantsman"
>Reply-To: Discussion of aroids
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>To: "Aroid-L"
>Subject: [Aroid-l] Arum italicum ID
>Date: Sun, 29 Aug 2004 18:13:47 -0400
>For several years, I've been growing several varieties of what were sold to
>me as Arum italicum. I've got a group of the small variegated leaved
>variety that were sold as A. italicum 'Pictum' that I know is now a
>subspecies. I've also got several others that were just called A. italicum
>in another group. These are much larger plants, with very large triangular
>hastate leaves and get at least two feet tall. I seem to recall that their
>large corms were rather long and narrow when planted. Some of them have all
>green leaves and others have silver areas. I've also noticed a variation
>among the spathes, although I've not kept up with which color leaf had which
>spathe. Some are a pale green, others have a definite purple interior and
>others just a light flush of purple down deep. Are these all A. italicum or
>possible different species? I've had a devil of a time finding pictures of
>any of this family. I've just harvested the seed heads from all of these
>and contemplating what to do with them. Thanks!
>David Sizemore
>Kingsport, TN (Zone 6a)
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