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RE: [Aroid-l] Great Pistia!
From: "ron" <ronlene at bellsouth.net> on 2004.08.29 at 17:54:22(12092)
Your last line hit the MARK !!! "THE STRONGEST WILL SURVIVE" Is this
really what we want?? If we enjoy a gentle lake or pond, do we really want
aggressive predators killing off our native species, that have evolved there
for eons. Do we want the aggressive "water purifying" plants to choke off
the beautiful flowering bog plants, that we have always enjoyed??
Do we want our beautiful woodlands to be overwhelmed by rapidly spreading
non-native species that are "STRONGER" in their new home, that the natives
that had always lived there???
This is what happened when the early explorers landed on their newly found
Islands and accidentally released rats and domestic animals. The "STRONGER"
survived and wiped out most of the local fauna. As a matter of fact. Look
at what happened when the "STRONGER" armed explorers landed in South
America. The "weaker" natives disappeared. Please, be careful what you
wish for!!! Ron
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-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of HUDSONSBIRDS@webtv.net
Sent: Sunday, August 29, 2004 9:34 AM
To: Discussion of aroids
Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] Great Pistia!
The word "INVASIVE" is beginning to bother me. Is it invasive to stock a
pond or lake with introduced fingerling BASS or BREAM ???Are they also to be
classed as "invasive"?Water hyacinth can be a hazard to travel in boats--but
in fact it is a water purification plant at the best.
"Invasive" is a tricky word The strongest will survive!!!
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