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  Re: [aroid-l] Aquatic Homalomena species (Aroids as sumerged aquatics?)
From: "Peter Boyce" <peterboyce at myjaring.net> on 2004.08.22 at 02:49:31(12034)

I can a small rider to Alistair's email to say that we've a good many
rheophytic and helophytic aroids in cultivation here, including most of the
genera that Alistair mentions. All do very well in shallow trays of water in
pots of pure 1:1 perlite:ground sphagnum in light shade with weekly feeding.

The crucial thing seems to be to flush the pots with water every day and at
the same time to ensure that the trays are also flushed; they all without
exception hate standing in 'stale' water.


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