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  Re: [aroid-l] Aquatic Homalomena species (Aroids as sumerged aquatics?)
From: "Alistair Hay" <ajmhay at hotmail.com> on 2004.08.21 at 22:25:01(12033)

Probably any of the rheophytes are worth a try as submerged aquatics, but I
would guess that most would, if successful, try to grow out of the water. Of
asian things, the rheophytic species of Schismatoglottis, Bucephalandra,
Aridarum (includes Heteroaridarum), Phymatarum and Piptospatha (includes
Hottarum) - see my papers in Telopea 9 (2000) with Josef Bogner and Yuzammi.
There are a number of rheophytic Homalomena species, but most have not been
taxonomicaly revised except for New Guinea (see Hay in Blumea 1999). There
is a messy complex around Homalomena trapezifolia (includes Emerald Gem)
which includes a number of rheophytic forms from the Malay Penisula
(probably extending into southern Thailand), also Furtadoa (=Homalomena)
sumatrensis (or is it sumatrana - don't have my notes with me). Cyrtosperma
beccarianum is also rheophytic, but I am fairly sure if you tried to grow
this under water it would soon have its leaves out of the top of the tank -
maybe Julius has tried it.


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