From: Leslie Georgeson <skinnychick2 at> on 2004.08.17 at 13:52:54(12009)
It is my understanding that florescent lighting alone is not always positive for plants, but it is the closest thing to natural sunlight. The best ones for plants are numbers 22, 25, 32, 33, and 36. However, my plants are in a room with a large, south-facing window and the room gets plenty of natural sunlight in addition to the florescent bulbs. This additional light supplement helps those that are farthest from the window to be sure they get enough light. Since each new leaf is always larger and more beautiful than the last, and even my finicky alocasias are producing infloresences, I figure they all must be happy. Lighting has never been a problem, it's the humiditry that I had to struggle with, and once the humidifier was installed, everyone was happier. I may even have extra alocasia seeds to spare in the near future.
Good growing,
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Philippe wrote:
All this sounds good. But does fluorescent light cover all the spectrum
needed by plants? I don't know anything about this, so I guess it's a
question to everybody else. Is fluorescent light adequate for growing
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