From: <plantguy at> on 2004.08.15 at 22:30:21(11988)
I have also had no problems overwintering the Colocasia and Alocasia that
form large tubers here in zone 6a. I simply dig them up and let the leaves
completely dry back and toss them in some peat for the winter in my
basement. Us northern gardeners do this for lots of tropicals, including
Curcuma, Crinum, Canna, Dahlia, etc. It's just the cost of doing business
in the northern climate zones. For those that do not form large
tubers.....illustris, Nancy's revenge, etc. you should keep them growing in
front of a window or under a grow light if possible. They may end up going
dormant, but will likely pop back up next spring. Best of luck, Dan
Dan Devor
| +More |
Pitsburgh, PA
zone 6a
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, August 15, 2004 4:20 PM
Subject: Re: [aroid-l] Overwintering alocasia and colocasia
> I have over wintered both types of Colocasias. What I always do is dig
> them up and place the entire rootbal with soil and place it in a trash
> bag. The bag then goes under the house for storage during the winter. It
> works great.
> Harry
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> On Behalf Of Julius Boos
> Sent: Sunday, August 15, 2004 1:56 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [aroid-l] Overwintering alocasia and colocasia
> >From:
> >Reply-To:
> >To: Aroid list
> >Subject: [aroid-l] Overwintering alocasia and colocasia
> >Date: Sun, 15 Aug 2004 13:29:30 -0400
> >
> Just a quick note--I`d get the Colocasia w/ stolons to Florida, from
> what I`ve read they do NOT winter well as they don`t go dormant, even
> the C. e. esculenta (taro/dasheen vars.) that do form a tuber, they
> might be difficult as their dormancy may be longer than your winter. I
> don`t know about the Alocasias, maybe someone w/ actual experience can
> gige you some better advice. Without a heated g/house you really are
> at a terrible disadvantage trying to grow tropical plants year round.
> Good Luck,
> Julius>For those of us in northern US states, the Amorphophallus are
> >attractive for two reasons - their flower and form, and the fact
> >that most of them are dormant in the winter so they're easy to
> >store. Like many of us, I grow many more plants in the summer than
> >I could ever house over winter.
> >
> >Now that I have a number of Colocasias and 5 Alocasia macrorrhizos I
> >want to make sure I can overwinter them. I believe I read that the
> >A. macrorrhizos can be dug, cut back, cleaned of dirt and stored
> >dormant. Is that true?
> >
> >I know that I can do that to Colocasia escualenta. What is the
> >likelihood that I can treat the other Colocasias the same way? I
> >know I'm asking a lot since I don't have ID's on them, but they're
> >"escualenta-like" hybrids with dark petioles and/or dark
> >metallic-sheen looking leaves. One of them is a prodigious producer
> >of runners (even here in New England).
> >
> >One reason I ask is because I have the chance to give some of them a
> >permanent home at Mom's house in FL and I'd rather have them there
> >than dead! Another reason is that I want to get more but I don't
> >want to treat them as annuals.
> >
> >I appreciate the advice,
> >Ken Mosher
> ---
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