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Re: [aroid-l] Woodchuck problem
From: "plantsman" <plantsman at prodigy.net> on 2004.07.25 at 18:30:32(11806)
Perhaps we need to look at alternative organic solutions. In Laos the
farmers deal with extraordinarily destructive cane rats in padi fields by
the simple expedient of BBQing them (the cane rats, not the padi fields).
So.... is woodchuck good eating? If yes, perhaps you could initiate a bounty
system with the local kids (as is done in Laos; the kids use catapults with
deadly accuracy (not just on the cane rats either; I had a bruised butt to
prove that point)) and then have the woodchuck equivalent of a clam-bake?
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Reliable sources (my late grandfather) told me that groundhogs were very
good to eat. He had a little chihuahua dog named Ricky that would go into
the burrow after them and drag them out and then he would shoot them. As
kids, we thought it was funny to see that little dog bravely go after an
animal several times his size but we would never eat any of it. My grandma
would fried them up for him like chicken in a great big iron skillet.
David Sizemore
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