----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, July 23, 2004 9:59 PM
Subject: Re: [aroid-l] Woodchuck problem
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "ron iles"
> To:
> Sent: Friday, July 23, 2004 8:47 AM
> Subject: Re: [aroid-l] Woodchuck problem
> > What's a Woodchuck?
> >
> ==============
> A woodchuck or what we southerners call a groundhog, is a large rodent
> looks sort of like a beaver but with a shorter brushy tail. They are a
> type of marmot (Marmota monax) and burrow underground, eat vegetation,
> especially loving apples and fresh vegetables (fruit & vegetation) from
> peoples gardens. Farmers especially don't like them because their large
> burrows (with multiple entrances) present a hazard to both cattle and farm
> machinery. The one I just relocated had three burrow entrances
> my garage foundation.
> I had one as a pet many years ago that was an orphan pup that someone
> and bottle fed. He was very friendly and followed me around just like a
> dog and would come to you if you called his name or whistled and like to
> held and carried around. All was well until he got mature and then the
> to dig took over. You just could not contain him in anything short of a
> steel cage as he was very strong. We finally ended up giving him to our
> large mountaintop city park's wildlife folks, who relocated him to a
> remote area of the park. Every year they had a festival at this section
> the park and he would come out to be fed and petted even though he
> weight over 10 pounds. He even made the local paper one time when they
> a picture of him sitting up on a stump with everyone gathered 'round him.
> He must have lived around five years.
> David Sizemore