From: "Alan Galloway" <alan_galloway at> on 2004.07.08 at 02:09:07(11727)
I never thought I would ever say "My aroid collection is too big!".
But after a few years of not distributing my excess tubers, a few
collecting trips, and some successful polination attemps, my aroid
collection has gotten too big.
I was planning to have a major inventory reduction sale later this
fall, but find that I do not have room in the greenhouse to put all
the sprouting pots now. I do plan to have a distribution sale this fall,
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need to make some room in the greenhouse very soon before the
plants fully leaf out.
If anyone happens to be passing through Raleigh, NC this summer
for travel or vacation and would be interested in obtaining some
aroids, please contact me at and we
can arrange a time for you to fill up your car, van, or semi-truck.
Most everything should be in leaf by late July. I have quite a few
species of Amorphophallus, Pseudodracontium, Typhonium, and
tropical Arisaema. I don't have the time to come up with an inventory
or price list this summer....with over 1500 accessions and over
6000 pots, there just isn't enough time.