From: "Peter Boyce" <peterboyce at> on 2004.04.16 at 04:30:33(11396)
Hi Rand
I can only speak from cultivation experience of two of the four species -
foetidus & renifolius.
I my experience both need deep, rich, clayey continuously moist soil with a
reasonable humus content (rotted leaf litter (beech or oak seems to work
best)) an more-or-less full sun; both disliked very heavy soils that
compact. Another thing they certainly dislike is stagnant water-logged soil
and it seems that in a bog garden there should be some throughflow of moving
water rather than it simply being a muddy hole!
Being plants of wet habitats they most certainly dislike drying out although
mature, established plants (the roots and stem go to 1 m or more deep) they
seem to recover OK, even from the condition of the leaves being completely
flaccid, provided that don't remain in that condition more than a few hours.
I've not seen S. foetidus in the wild, but the wild populations of S.
renifolius I've observed in S. Korea were growing along stream margins in
mixed oak/beech open woodland in the soil was definitely squishy!
Hope this helps some