IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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  [aroid-l] The Last Party
From: "ron iles" <roniles at eircom.net> on 2004.03.19 at 12:26:34(11304)
Does Man truly respect & really care about all diversity? Is he not
paranoid & intolerant about the "nasty" ^ "unknown", the "different" &
frightening. Does he not lust & greed for the "useless" & the "unused" to
be used, to control, tame & "own" the treasure outside? Hell Bent on
destroying all he does not want & plundering that which he does? How
impotent the puny "Save the ....." Worry Groups have been against Mammon?
The Birds no longer sing against the sound of Battle, Butterflies have no
place to place their eggs, the last Wild Flowers seed concrete, dust &

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