can be lethal? Maybe Chlorospatha are similiar? Also, like Spathiphyllum
do they
like narrow
temperature ranges better, say
70F(21C) to 85F (about 29C)? And enough shade? In the Selva only the
uppermost leaves of the canopy which have frequent reviving rains or
marginal water plants which are in water are in the brightest sun ? Do not
the rest live in
habitats with much narrower & more equitable water, light & temperature
conditions? Could their stenothermality be one reason why we find some
plants "difficult" or susceptible to pathogens e.g. Cylindrocladium in
Spaths in Florida where temperature range can be not 10-15F but over
50F?!!!! Spathiphyllum grow best where their conditions are controlled
within very narrow limits. To keep them in peak colour & condition should
one keep Chlorospatha & much else warm but not hot or cold & attend to their
other preferences not rely on their tolerances? Hope these few thoughts
are of interest
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 3:12 AM
Subject: [aroid-l] Cultural tips for Chlorospatha?
> Can anyone give me any recommendations on growing Chlorospatha? In
> particular C. mirabilis and C. "china". Are these seasonally dormant
aroids or are
> they considered to be evergreen? I understand they are from Humid areas
> Western South America, but are they high altitude cloud forest plants or
are they
> from lower elevations areas where temps are normally alot higher? Thanks
> any help in advance.
> Michael Mattlage