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  Re: [aroid-l] Ebay titanum
From: "Bryant, Susan L." <SLBryant at scj.com> on 2004.02.04 at 20:59:07(11072)
There is a way. I collect a type of pottery, and I've seen auctions pulled
because someone claims, or even mentions their object might be that "name"
I went to http://pages.ebay.com/help/policies/counterfeit.html to report a
counterfeit object (I figure I gave the seller 24 hours to pull the sale)but
the link states "my computer doesn't accept cookies" (which isn't true, I
LOVE cookies, and so does my computer, you can tell by the keyboard). Oh
well, I tried!
The seller may actually think it is titanum, I suppose. I pity the poor


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