You use a high nitrogen fertiliser? How alkaline/acid & hard/soft is your
water supply & rooting medium? How about chelated trace elements? Do
you foliar spray?
What factors in your life support systems environments are not optimum?
Maybe my suggestions are rubbish & your pets becoming pale green is just
their way of saying "thank you" for being "spoiled" by your well intended &
hopefully not utterly misguided kindnesses to them?
Tragic! I'm writing this splurge instead of getting ready for Rudolph &
Santa. Bye.
Ron Thermophile
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2003 1:58 AM
Subject: [aroid-l] Anthurium clarinervum
> Can anyone help with this question that came in to me.
> "Am looking for someone who currently raises Anthurium clarinerviums
> and/or cyrstallinms. I have these plants under fluorescent lights with a
> cool and warm bulb in each fixtures, fertilize sparingly in winter and
> regularly in spring and summer with 30-10-10 orchid fertilizer. The
> problem is my leaves are pale green instead of dark green. Would
> appreciate any advice given."
> Derek