Jan 1997, Eduardo Gomes Goncalves wrote:
> On Fri, 10 Jan 1997, Wallace Wells wrote:
> > I have owned Monstera deliciosa and recently got M. pitterii. I am
> > interested in other fenestrated or 'holed-leaved' aroids and would
> > like comment from others who are cultivating the same. I know there
> > are Philodendrons with this characteristic.
> The only genera of Araceae that I'm aware about the presence of
> fenestrations are: Monstera (as you already know), Dracontioides (a water
> dweller from Brazil), Raphidophora, Epipremnum and maybe some Anchomanes.
> I have never seen a fenestrated Philodendron and I think they don't exist
> at all. Some pictorial books of horticulture (e.g. Exotica) usually show a
> young Monstera deliciosa identificated as "Philodendron pertusum" and I
> think it can confuse a lot of people.
> Best wishes,
> Eduardo
Richard L. Mansell Phone: H(813) 961-7072
Biology Department, LIF 136 W(813) 974-1588
University of South Florida Fax: (813) 974-1614
Tampa, FL 33620
Home: 13508 Little Lake Place, Tampa, FL 33613-4134
E-mail- mansell@chuma.cas.usf.edu
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