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Re: [aroid-l] hibernation time
From: "Jean-luc Gatard " jlgate at caramail.com> on 2003.10.02 at 12:23:55(10677)
The photo of konjac tuber disease I tried to send to the group present the
same sympthoms with a cracked bottom.
After reflexion and the reading of your message,I'm sharing your posiiton
with a possible origin of excessive watering at the final stage when tuber
Curiousely,only extra large tuber seem to be sensible and present this state.
Problems with fungus attack are frequent after harvest and they need to be
regulary controlled during the winter storage.Tuber base look like the skin
of Dioscorea elephantipes.
I will leave them in fungicide bath before storage.
A 13 kg big tuber is seriousely dammaged and had probably loosed weight.
Paeoniifolius are also large,but I never occured this problem.
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------- Message d'origine -------?
De: Susan Cooper ?
Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2003 08:18:13 -0400?
Sujet: Re: [aroid-l] hibernation time?
Speaking of hibernation, I just dug up my Synandrospadix vermitoxus to
pot it and bring it in the house. There are several cracks in the
bottom of the tuber. I wasn't sure if it did this itself or if it was
from me trying to pry the tuber out of the ground (which was a little
Anyone have any ideas? I should have taken a picture....
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