This is part one of three
Aglaonema oblongifolium... This is your Grandmothers "Parlor Plant".
Makes an excellent house plant and is one of the aroids that will just sit
there and grow, slow but sure...
Aglaonema roebelinii This is the old standard... See Exotica. Makes a
fantastic long life indoor plant and will, over a couple of years, fill a
10" pot under good conditions. This plant is very strong.
Alocasia cadieri The picture in Aroideana, Vol. 7, 3&4 pg. 133 does
not do this plant justice. Silver green veins on light green leaf is
really beautiful. Does not like to be too wet.
Alocasia 'Frydek' (tm) variegated The white variegation on the green velvet
surface of the leaf is indescribable. A real beauty and collectors item
Alocasia 'Hilo Beauty' This is an old standard hybrid but still a beauty.
The two and three tones of green make this a stand-out in any collection.
Burnett, in Aroideana, says this is a species of either Caladium or
Xanthosoma. I think he is right.
Alocasia longiloba 'Magnifica' This plant came from Australia and truly
lives up to it's name. Patent leather face with light veins, the back is
dark purple and in maturity and bright light, the face of the leaf takes on
a purple hue. This plant can get to five feet high!
Alocasia plumbea This is a landscape plant in South Florida and can
get to 8' high. There are two forms, one has a lighter petiole and the
leaf is greener than the other with a plumb colored petiole and dark plumb
Alocasia portei This is one more majestic Alocasia. See write up and
photos in Aroideana, Vol. 7, 3&4 This plant CAN reach to TEN FOOT under
ideal growing conditions. The mature ovate-sagittate foliage can reach
five foot in length.. Talk about majestic!
Alocasia reversa Truly one of the most beautiful of the small
Alocasias. Named because all of the color is on the face of the leaf and
the reverse is plain green. Plant will get to about 10" high in a 6" pot.
Aroideana Vol 7, 3&4 pg.84
Alocasia 'Royale' An extreemly rare Alocasia and very beautiful.
Foliage is dark blue green with even darker veins. A mature leaf can reach
15" long and just 4 1/2" wide. The long upper lobes give it a very
distinguished appearance. See Aroideana
Alocasia sinuata Aroideana, Vol. 7 3&4 pg 103 has an excellent
description of this plant.
Alocasia sp. Said to be an aberrant form of A. cucullata. If you can
imagine taking a leaf of A. cucullata and crinkleing it into a triangle
with a very wide sinus you will have the leaf of this plant. I have tried
to find a photo that would be available to all but to no avail. This plant
will get to about 2' high and fill the pot. with cormlets.
Alocasia sp. 'Green Shield' This is also known as the 'Green Cuprea'.
Aroideana, Vol 7 3&4 pg. 89
Alocasia sp. 'Lime Green' I have no idea of a species name on this one
but the light lime green petiold and leaf suggested I call it thus. Will
get to about 18 inches high.
Alocasia sp.'Quilted Dreams' AKA 'bullatus', Aroideana Vol 7, 3&4 pg 96.
One of the prettiest of the small Alocasias.
Alocasia 'Steinberg's Hybd' A hybrid made by a friend. Looks like A.
wentii with a cream midvein. Will get to about 24" high with a bronze
green leaf.
Alocasia villeneuvei Aroideana, Vol 7 3&4 pg.88. This picture does not
do the plant justice! It has a tough hard leaf with dark red splotches on
the petiole.
Alocasia wentii See photo in Aroideana, Vol 7, 3&4. Bronzy green with a
lighter toned midrib and primary veins. This plant will get to about 20"
in a 10 inch pot..
Alocasia x Amazonica You might be able to get this one at your local
K-Mart. See Aroideana Vol. 7, 3&4 The silver veins in the clone that I
have are spectular
Alocasia x Fantasy The picture on pg. 130, Aroideana, Vol. 7 3&4 does
not do this justice. There is much more silver on the face than shown.
Araceae Alocasia x sedenii Aroideana Vol 7 3&4 pg. 147.
Amydrium zippelianum I tried to find a picture of this New Guinea native
but could not. Picture a long cordate leaf that is devided palmately all
the way to the mid-vein and the 'leaflets' sort of drape in an inverted
'U'. Leaves can reach up to 20" long. Very close internodes make this a
full plant on a totem.
Anthurium balaoanum One of the truly elegant Anthuriums. The 18" -
20" wide cordate leaf is heavily veined to the point that the spaces
between look almost folded in. A mature plant is large, to 4' high and
will carry, depending on culture, up to 8 or 10 leaves. Magnificent and
stately plant.
Anthurium cordatum Ah, the big cordate one! This one is from the
Caribean. It has a beautiful large white spath.
Anthurium coriaceum This species is native to Brazil. It requires a
loose, well drained media and lots of light. There are some especially
good photos in A Revision of Anthurium Section Pachyneurium.
Anthurium crispamarginatum One of the most attractive of the birdsnest
type. Very narrow, wavy margined foliage can reach up to 6'. A mature
plant in bright light would only be a few feet across at the top. Foliage
rises almost straight up. Excellent accent plant.
Anthurium fatoense... Dr. Croat, in "Revision of Anthurium Section
Pachyneurium" says that the leaf is "subcoriaceaus, oblong-oblanceolate to
oblanceolate to oblong-ovate, long-acuminate at apex, acute to obtuse to
narrowly rounded at base, 24-83 cm long, 6-26 cm wide," There you have it
from the 'Man Himself'. But, the most interesting part of this plant are
the masses of short white roots that extend from and cover the stem. They
obscure almost half of the petiole.
Anthurium fendleri One of the more graceful of the birdsnest
Anthuriums. See Dr. Croat's Revision of Anthurium Sect. Pachyneurium pg.
799. Foliage can reach 4 ft. long and 12" wide in a 10" hanging basket.
Anthurium lucidum Mature plants will have 12" terete petioles with a
very long cordate leaf. The leaf surface is "Green Patent Leather". Short
internodes provide a full lush plant even with the long petioles. The leaf
is 18" long and 8" wide. Because of the leaf color, this is a very
majestic plant.
Anthurium magnificum See Exotica for a pretty good picture. This plant
surely lives up to it's name.
Anthurium ochranthum In Croat's "Anthurium of Mexico and Middle America"
he says "..Leaves erect-spreading.. ovate-triangular ... acuminate at apes,
deeply lobed at base.... the upper surface matte to semi-glossy, the lower
surface matte.." The spadix is green turning bright yellow. Needless to
say, it is a beautiful plant.
Anthurium olfersianum Exotica shows a nice picture of the foliage but not
the growth habit. It is a viner! Short internodes and very long peduncles
with a spadix of about 5" make it an exceptionally interesting plant.
Anthurium papillilaminum The picture in A Revision of the Genus
Anthurium of Mexico and Central America (Panama) does not do this plant
justice. Picture a long cordate leaf that has the same texture all over as
A. warocqueanum, a deep dark velour green hazed by red. The reverse of the
leaf is a dark rust red with the same velour sheen.
Dewey E. Fisk, Plant Nut