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[aroid-l] Outside Amorphophallus
From: "WEAVER,BILL (HP-USA,ex1)" bill.weaver at hp.com> on 2003.09.18 at 22:23:40(10600)
This year for the first time I put all my amorphophallus outside
as soon as they started to show signs that they were coming out of
dormancy. The results were fantastic! All of the plants produced a
leaf that was much stockier and much better colored than had ever
been produced in the greenhouse.
Now the problem. It is going to start getting colder here very soon
(50-60 degrees F in the San Francisco bay area) and I don't think I
can get everything back in the greenhouse unless they go dormant first.
What is the best method for this? Should I wait until the cold forces
dormancy and maybe take the risk of rot, or should I force the issue
and lop off the leaf when I get to a pre-determined night temperature?
(say 60 degrees F) Any suggestions would be helpful.
Thank You
Bill Weaver
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