From: Leslie Georgeson skinnychick2 at> on 2003.08.05 at 22:33:10(10474)
Hello fellow aroiders,
We recently relocated to Tucson, Arizona where it's not uncommon for the temperatures to rise into the triple digits during the summer months (which is pretty hot, considering we just moved from northern Idaho, where the snow drifts can reach over 12 feet high).
At any rate, I had to transport my horde of plants with me and am now wondering how they will fair in this heat. My aroids include Alocasias, Colocasias, and Xanthosomas that I fear will simply melt away at these temperatures. Any suggestions or expert advice how I can keep my "beauties" alive? Right now I've got them all inside, except for a Colocasia gigantea, which is under the sheltered patio with my Abyssinian bananas and palm trees. This Colocasia will be my tester plant to see how it fairs. If it does well, I may bring out a few others, but I'm a bit leery about how they will do in 100+ temperatures, even in the shade.
Any advice on growing these plants in high temperatures will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
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