From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at> on 2003.07.13 at 19:35:08(10394)
My Dear Friend Eduardo,
I have just forwarded you two notes concerning the possible ID of a Xanthosoma here in Florida to you, and I hope that after you have read them and seen the photo (in the second note) you will be able to help by giving your opinion!
I hope that you are well and happy, and that this gets to you OK, as it has been a while since I have heard from you.
Concerning the Philodendron issue which we briefly discussed (below), would it be safe to assume that since ALL the Philo. 'selloum' that are being produced by the million by tissue culture here in Florida and being sold into the landscaping trade all have very pronounced intravaginal squamules, they are in fact P. mello-barettoanum and not P. bipinnatifidium, which you report usually does NOT have these structures? The plants here all have a green spathe (see the recent paper on P. xanadu) , but may have just a thin line of purplish color along the very edge, I am not certain of this. Perhaps in the near future we should collaborate on a paper concerning the correct identification of this very important plant to commerce here in Florida?
A paper is certainly needed.
I look forward to hearing from you when you may have a moment.
Your Friend,
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>>My dear friend Julius,
Just to answer your comments: Yes, I have seen real P. bipinnatifidum
in USA (mostly in Botanical Gardens), but considering you have a better
sampling of cultivated material, I wouldn?t be surprised if P.
mello-barretoanum was the main cultivated big Philo there in USA.
Philodendron mello-barretoanum was spread in Brazil by Roberto Burle-Marx,
that was part of a very active group of plant traders there in Florida, so
there was time enough to spread this plant for nurseries coast to coast.
I have seen in the wild only plants of P. mello-barretoanum with a pure
green spathe, but a few cultivated material have a spathe that is purplish
outside (mainly along the margins), so this aspect can be easily selected by
growers. Growers can do anything!
Very best
>Dear Susan,
>I`m going to take this opportunity to put in a plug for our International
>Aroid Society! If you are or become a member ($20.00/year), you will
>access to some fantastic information by authors like Dr. Eduardo Goncalves
>who, in the latest issue of our journal '"Aroideaea" published a most
>interesting paper on this group of Philodendron species. In the previous
>journal there was another paper also with great information, photos and
>illustrations also on species within this group of Philodendrons!
>In reading Eduardo`s note to you and the list, and reading his truncated
>'key' to the species in this group, it would seem to me that based on his
>comments about P. mello-barretoanum, with its hard scales on its stem that
>do not easily detach (I have received a pretty severe laceration on my hand
>caused by my careless handling of a plant by these spine/knife-like
>scales!!), it, and NOT p. bipinnatifidum is the species in massive
>tissue-culture cultivation here in the U.S.A. As seen in the latest
>of Aroideana, our paper describing P. xanadu as a good species, hehein S.
>Florida the 'local' and very common Philodendron which is sold locally as
>'selloum' but which for years was thought to be P. bipinnatifidum, has a
>huge spathe with a green exterior, and persistent and HARD spines on its
>stem. Eduardo says that in true P. bipinnatifidum the spathe can vary in
>color, so my question is what color spathe does P. mello-barretoanum have?
>Remember, my friends, the study of aroids is far from complete, we are
>learning new 'stuff' every day!
>WPB, Florida.
> > Leslie,
> >
> > When I ordered philodendron from Alvim Seidel the first time, I ordered
> > selloum, P. bipinnatifidum, and also P. Sao Paulo. I thought I was
>to get
> > totally different plants. I don't know if I'm right on all of this, but
> > what I've been able to figure out, selloum and bipinnatifidum are
>synonomous. I
> > think Sao Paulo is another variety of splitleaf philodendron. However,
> > Paulo might be just another name for P. bipinnatifidum, but this is for
> > else to say. This year I ordered another split leaved Pilodendron that
> > similar to these three called P. lundii. I did find that P. lundii is a
> > different 'looking' form of bipinnatifidum. Maybe more compact, bushy?
> > Selloum/bipinnatifidum will grow into a tree form with a trunk in time.
> >
> > Someone else on the list might be able to clear this up. I would be
> > in knowing the true facts on the splitleaf philodendrons also.
> >
> >
> > Hope this helps,
> > Susan Cox
> >
> >
> > 5/8/03 6:15:22 AM, Leslie Georgeson wrote:
> >
> > >Could someone please tell me what the difference between Philodendron
> > and Philodendron Bipinnafididum is? I ordered a packet of each type of
> > they look the same, but the Bipinnatifidum says it needs stratification
> > planting. When I researched these plants, they appear to be identical.
> > what, exactly, do I have? Thank you! Leslie
> > >
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