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  Re: [aroid-l] Pycnospatha arietina
From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at msn.com> on 2003.06.29 at 20:37:37(10363)
Dear Nancy,

Grow in well-drained rich tropical sterile (it is hurt by nematodes!!) mix, plant tuber about 2" deep, grow during the summer months from late to mid-spring till late fall if you can provide the heat it will need, grow hot, 80 degs F. plus, let dry out in fall, it will go dormant, keep soil dry or barely moist in a WARM place in winter, re-pot w/ new soil and begin a LITTLE water in late spring, water more and fert when leaf begins to show, keep soil moist but not water-logged during the growth period.
Where did you obtain the tuber?
Good luck!

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