From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at> on 2003.06.26 at 00:06:34(10356)
Dear Benoit,
This may prove a difficult aroid to find information on cultivation, but perhaps these suggestions may help, I have no personal experience w/ this genus. All are taken from the literature, mainly from Deni Bown`s excellent book on aroids.
Eminium is found in extreme growing mainly desert conditions, from Turkey through the Middle East to south central Asia. It consists of 8 species. One species flowers in April (the bloom is said to smell like rotting dogs!!!), and I would try cultivating it the same as the genus Biarum with which it shares the same kind of growing conditions and range. I`d try growing it in pots of equal parts loam, grit or sharp sand, and leafmould. It will begin growth in the wet, cool/cold winter months, and the pot should be kept warm and dry in the summer dormant period. I`d start putting a LITTLE water in fall, and increase the water when it begins producing leaves, and add fertilizer.
I hope this information may assist you, please share your experiences with growing this seemingly rare (in cultivation) genus.
Julius Boos.
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>>hello all,
could somebody help me for the cultivation of eminium (soil, temperature,
thanks a lot.
30, rue thibaudeau
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