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  Amorphophallus Titanum request --------Konjac Offer and Question (please help)
From: Craig Smith <craigsmith at sprintmail.com> on 1997.08.10 at 02:41:23(1033)
Hi All,

The A. Konjacs are all growing nicely in my back yard in upstate New York
now in the middle of the summer. In a couple of months I will have
tubers of different sizes available. Last year, I offered some medium
size ones for P&H and had some people interested. Unfortunately, I lost
all the names when my ISP reinstalled some software and forgot to save my
mail. So, I will ask if those who wrote me would write again so I can
send them tubers this fall. Also, if anyone else is interested, please
drop me a note.

I will also have 1 or 2 large tubers (over 1000grams) which are VERY
likely to have a 'flower'. I have been trying, unsuccessfully, to find
an A. Titanum since last fall. If you have an extra one which you would
be willing to trade, I will trade you one of my LARGE tubers for it and
pay the postage both ways.

One of my larger tubers came up very late this year. As a result, it
will have a very short time to regrow its tuber. Around here, the leaf
of an A. Konjac turns yellow and dies in late September. I would like to
prolong growth for a few extra weeks but I as not sure what the trigger
is that causes the plant to wither. Can you please tell me if it is the
colder temperatures in the daytime, the colder temperatures at night, the
shorted days (light), the dimmer light, or something else??????? If
someone can tell me the answer, I will try to accommodate the trigger and
hopefully get enough extra time to offset the late start.

Thanks for your help.

Note: this is a very old post, so no reply function is available.