From: Greg Ruckert <greg at> on 1997.08.10 at 00:16:37(1031)
At 10:04 AM 8/9/97 -0500, you wrote:
>Several years ago,from a seedling sale, I received a small plant of this that
>has yet to bloom for me. This year it has put on much new growth (I fed it)
>and has formed "bulbils" at the axis where the leaves join the stem. Does
>this sound like the above named plant and how do I handle the "bulbils"? I
>would like to pot some up for next weeks seedling sale. Any help would be
>much appreciated.
> Mark Mazer Gaylordsville CT Zone 5
Hi all,
Certainly not an expert but as this is one of my favourite non-Arisaema
thought I would have a go. Could we have a more complete description of the
leaves please.
I have grown and flowered this species for a number of years (must get some
pics on the web page). I would strongly agree with Don that this is not a
bulbil-forming species. Mine are all stoloniferous and have just leafed up
(so am surprised that anyone in the northern hemisphere would have it in
leaf now). I find that it flowers well if given enough water. The leaves
should be a plain dark greem colour.
Could I go further and suggest that this is more likely to be a Pinellia
cordata (wild guess without a good description of the suspect). As for the
seedling sale - don't do it. There is nothing more frustrating than buying
incorrectly named plants. My ultimate preference is not to distribute
material unless I can confirm its name. See if you can get hold of a back
issue of "The Kew Magazine" which had a lovely (the best I have seen) write
up on the genus. I can't remember which issue it was in. {Rob McClure
might be kind enough to look it up and post it for me}
Now that we are on the matter of Arisarums..... As well as Arisarum
proboscideum I have the mottled leaf Arisarum vulgare. I also have a plain
green leaved version of Arisarum vulgare which I have not seen written up.
I desperately want to get hold of Arisarum simmorrhinum. Can anyone help??
I know that it is available in the UK from Monocot Nursery.
Do any members of Aroid-L grow this?
Kind regards,
Greg Ruckert
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