> Mark Mazer Gaylordsville CT Zone 5
There has been no comment on your question yet so I am tempted to throw
in mine with a qualifier. I know nothing about A. proboscideum but what I
have read, and have never seen the little plant. In all that I have read
there has been nothing mentioned about bulbil production. Much is
mentioned, however, about the curious infloresence that has a long tail
resembling that of a mouse, thus the common name "mouse plant". But then
you have yet to see an infloresence.
Your description leads me to believe that this plant has a single "stem"
(petiole) with multiple leaflets growing at the end of that stem, with the
bulbil growing at the axis point where each leaflet comes together. You
mentioned bulbils (plural). Are they all growing at the same point, or
are they at the intersections of other leaflets?
>From the few photos of A. proboscideum that I have, it appears that the
plant bears multiple leaves, each on its own petiole and each growing
directly from the tuber. But your brief description of a single stem
(petiole) with multiple leaflets sounds more like Amorphophallus bulbifer
or muelleri, both of which produce bulbils.
Now that I have stumbled around guessing, is there an expert opinion in
the house?
Don Burns Plantation, FL USA Zone 10b